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ICD-10 Coding Updates


Keeping abreast of the current ICD-10 coding updates is key to success. ICD-10 codes are constantly updated, staying on top of changes in medicine has never been more important than now. In 2023, there will be 1,176 new codes added, 287 codes will be deleted, and 28 codes will be revised. This brings the total ICD-10 codes to 73,639.

The revenue cycle is an essential part of a healthcare facility's success. To ensure reimbursements are processed efficiently and accurately, staying up to date with ICD-10 codes is key - from knowing what has been added or revised, as well as understanding deletions that could hinder successful transactions. Here are a few of the ICD-10 coding updates:

1. Social Determinants of Health ICD-10 codes

Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) continue to be recognized throughout healthcare as a priority, and the ICD-10-CM also believes these codes are important. For the coming year, several new codes that cover SDoH situations have been created. For example, Z59.82 recognizes transportation insecurity, Z91.11, and Z91A- can be used for patient or caregiver noncompliance, and code Z59.87 is used for material hardship circumstances.

2. Dementia ICD-10 Codes

The ICD-10-CM acknowledges health concerns that have arisen with the aging baby boomer generation. Due to these health concerns, there have been 87 new ICD-10 codes implemented for dementia patients. These codes will be used to discern other symptoms - such as psychotic disorders, mood swings, and anxiety - that may be associated with dementia.

3. Pregnancy, Childbirth and Puerperium Code Updates

Medical professionals in obstetrics and gynecology will be significantly impacted by the changes to pregnancy, childbirth, and puerperium codes. To accommodate new medical procedural advances, new codes for postpartum depression and other complications during pregnancy or delivery were added.


Staying informed on the ever-evolving ICD-10 codes is essential for accurate and successful billing, which ultimately affects your bottom line. Ensure that you are taking advantage of all current updates by reviewing the 2023 list; this will help limit any lapses in accuracy from outdated code usage among staff members.

Uncover the coding power you need - contact us today to explore how our efficient and comprehensive coding process can help your practice reach its full potential.

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